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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Best April Fool's Day EVER.

Yesterday was THE best April Fool's Day EVER in the entire history of pulling pranks on people.

Two years ago, my mom and I told people we were moving to Ireland. It worked pretty well, and we got some good laughs out of the people who believed us.

But this year was so, so much better.

I planned it out ahead of time, and got two of my least gullible friends (who I couldn't have fooled anyway) to play along. Then, yesterday morning,  I posted this on Facebook:
"Exciting news!!!
While I was in LA for college visits, I auditioned for a TV role. I didn't say anything because it was a long shot, but...I got the part!! And it's on House!!!! They're replacing Masters (Cameron 2.0) with a much cooler character, and I'm going to play her!! They emailed me last night and I got it this morning.
I'll be leaving for LA a little earlier in the summer to go film, right after the Higher Things conference in July. This is it guys!!! (Oh, and did I mention it comes with a paycheck?)"
Not only did people believe me, but many of them kept believing me even AFTER they realized it was April Fool's Day. Except for one person (who nearly ruined the whole thing!), everyone believed it for at least a minute or two. Some, the rest of the day until I told them. 
The expressions and reactions were priceless. I told people that I'd met the cast and done a scene with them so the casting director could see how I worked with people, and my oh-so-gullible friends ate it up. When I told my Physics teacher, not only did she believe me, but she called her husband to tell him!
At the end of the school day, one of my friends who had figured it out and was playing along told everyone via the end-of-the-day announcements. I walked out into the hall after 8th period, and it was like being a celebrity. People were congratulating me, underclassmen who didn't know me were whispering "Is that her?". It was epic.
The best part, though, was telling people that it was a prank. I only got to see one person's reaction, as the rest were over Facebook, but that one reaction was worth all the work I'd put into the prank all day.
Only problem: how the heck am I going to top this next year?

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